Wednesday, September 2, 2009

All of my kids are officially teenagers

My oldest turned 18 last month, and my youngest turned 13 on Sunday. The one in the middle is 15 and says his life will be soooo much better when he turns 16. I'm dubious, although his life isn't too bad now.

We had a fun party for David on Saturday. Jonathan crashed on his longboard on Monday, which oddly gave him a sense of euphoria for a while. He loves his battle scars and is hoping they will give him an in with the ladies. ;) He's serious about that, but I think he's a crack up.

Over the weekend my aunt and uncle got remarried too. I'm really happy for them, and it was nice to see most of my cousins there (many of whom I hadn't seen for years), and all of my aunts and uncles from that side of the family.

My thoughts are with Blaine (my step-father) tonight. He's in the hospital recovering from heart surgery. They replaced one valve and repaired another. The surgeon says it went really well. Blaine has always had great stamina and endurance, so I expect him to come through this just fine.


  1. This is good, because I fear the day that all my kids are teenagers, sounds like fun.

  2. Oh, Kim. There is definitely a dark side. You should fear it most of all with that little lawyer of yours. LOL.
